27 August 2010

¡Hace un mes!

We landed in BsAs a little more than a month ago, but it feels like it has only been a week!
This grand city continues to amaze me, and that is part of the reason I haven't had any time to blog. Homework can also take some of the blame. Although I know I haven't described my university yet, it just so happens to be a Friday and school has quickly retreated to the back of my mind.
Instead, I've decided to recount 31 things that I have learned from BsAs from the first 31 days.

1) Walking everywhere is such a fun way to see a city.

2) Every block (in Recoleta, at least) has an average of two small grocery stores, two cafes, and one 'Maxikiosk' (essentially a gas station without the gas).

3) It is also super easy to find a bookstore. They're everywhere.

4) When walking on the sidewalk, keep one eye on the beautiful buildings and the other on the ground to watch for dog poop.

5) Pirated movies, doorstops, socks, scarfs, books, maps, incense, magazines, lighters, power converters, toys, flowers, necklaces, and thermoses are just a few of the things that people sell on the street.

6) It is RARE to see an African-Argentine.

7) American stores are few and far between.

8) The 'Subte' never gets old. Get back to me in another month.

9) However, at certains times of the day, the 'Subte' becomes less of a subway and more of a human sardine can.

10) When in Argentina, arriving on time is of little importance.

11) Parties do not start until 1 or 2am (I have yet to find out when they end. I always leave before it's over).

12) Argentines talk with their hands. They even have hand signals for certain phrases like 'I don't know' or 'It's the absolute best'.

13) Every restaurant (big and small) charges a fee for the use of their tables. DO NOT unknowingly order to-go, then sit at a table. The staff of the restaurant WILL whisper to each other and point at you.

14) Waiters will only come to your table if you make eye contact with them or call them over.

15) Argentines LOVE mate(a drink), alfajores(a dessert), sandwiches, steaks, olives, coffee, empanadas(heaven), pizza, and ice cream (an entire blog devoted to food coming soon).

16) I love all of the above, especially empanadas.

17) Peanut butter and salsa are nearly impossible to find...I don't want to talk about it.

18) Argentines love art in every form.

19) Public displays of affection are commonplace.

20) Rollerblading. It happens here.

21) Everything can be delivered to your doorstep.

22) Drying clothes on a clothesline has its perks.

23) 'El Colectivo' (the public bus system) is a ruthless monster. The newspaper said that ten people were hit by buses last week.

24) Over-the-counter medication requires a prescription.

25) The trash is left on the curb and collected (almost secretly, it seems) during the night.

26) Fewer Argentines like Evita than I imagined (stereotype officially broken).

27) Not everyone dances the Tango (stereotype #2 officially broken).

28) Graffiti is not only everywhere, it's also very political.

29) Street signs are sponsored (for example: 'Claro' the name of a phone company here, sits above all of the street signs in Recoleta).

30) Who said dogs need leashes?

31) 308,000 students attend the University of Buenos Aires. Yes: 308,000. (It's free).

I'm still enjoying every day and my Spanish is improving rapidly!
Although I miss home, I can't complain. This month has proven to be wonderful and I can't wait to see what I can learn in the next four!

Nos vemos,


  1. Clint: I have been checking religiously for the next blog and this one was definately worth the wait. I cannot wait to see all of this with you as our expert tour guide of all things Buenos Aires. You have a way with words and are a very gifted writer. I had a peanut butter sandwich and chips and salsa for lunch today, sorry... Glad to hear your keeping busy and having so much fun. Love, C xoxoxoxoxo
    PS Sorry again for the creepy Aunt Colleen thing. I don't get it.

  2. Sounds so amazing!! wish i could come visit! i miss you sooo much (and so does dutch)! love you mucho!

  3. Clint it sounds so wonderful! I'm going to rob a bank so I can afford a plane ticket. And then I might not come back. (Well, I guess if I robbed a bank I had better not.)
